Chelsea Ogunmowo

Chelsea Ogunmowo was born and raised in Southern California. She graduated from UC Berkeley with degrees in both Sociology and Education. From a young age, teaching was her passion; this passion has been exhibited throughout her entire life, as she began tutoring and volunteering before she even began middle school.

She dedicated her college years volunteering in different community programs that supported education for all. In her freshman year of college, she founded a non-profit organization to help underprivileged children receive their necessary medical treatments..

She volunteered weekly with Service For Sight, an organization that provides access and advocacy for people in the blind or visually impaired community or who promote sight preservation and conservation. On weekends, Chelsea also volunteered at UCSF Children’s Hospital, further exemplifying her passion and
dedication to helping those in need.

Throughout her studies, Chelsea maintained a strong passion for volunteer work and teaching.
She believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to learn and grow, and that education is the key to creating a better world. During her senior year, Chelsea began working as a teacher at a local preschool. Her enthusiasm and dedication to teaching made her stand out among her colleagues, and she quickly became the favorite teacher of her little students.

In her spare time, Chelsea continued her volunteer work with different community organizations, serving as a mentor and tutor to children from low-income families through UC Berkeley’s Changemakers organization. Her dedication to volunteering and teaching never faded, and she always made sure to impart valuable lessons to her students both inside and outside of the classroom.

Through her hard work and commitment, Chelsea has become a role model for many young children and has positively impacted the lives of many families in her community. Her love for teaching and her commitment to community service allowed her to make a real difference in the lives of those around her. She hopes to continue making a difference and inspiring the next  generation of children through her work at the Akogun Peak Foundation